Inks, nibs, Knights and Squires.













Here is some more artwork from Lyn Stone’s recent non-fiction project on knights and castles. All the artwork for this book needed to be cut to white, as the book itself is a ‘lift the flap’ aimed at five to seven year olds.

The artwork is all rendered in nib pen and coloured inks, used in washes, and the paper Lyn likes to use is a hand made Italian paper, which she says is beautiful to work on and allows for a great deal of detail and accuracy as it is completely smooth and pure white.

The above illustrations shows a baggage train, consisting of a squire, a knight, archers, soldiers, and oxen pulling a cart carrying a cannon. These are all going to be reproduced in the book really quite small, which is why they are quite simple illustrations.



The above illustration represents Richard Lionheart and Saladin fighting on horseback. Great composition to work on. Lyn had quite restricted dimensions to work with on this one, and so it had to fit a particular space and still have lots of drama!

I think it’s safe to say that she certainly achieved that.

Categories: Lyn Stone, Uncategorized