Spooky stuff!

The current issue of One Eye Grey has just been distributed in book stores around London and our very own Daniel Morgenstern has illustrated five stories in this issue.


One Eye Grey is a ‘Penny Dreadful’ for the 21st Century that draws on the tradition of those
as well as the pulp fiction that followed.


For those of you that aren’t familiar with them, Penny Dreadfuls (also called Penny Bloods and Penny Numbers) were a type of British fiction publication in the 19th Century that usually featured lurid serial stories appearing in parts over several weeks, each part costing a penny. They were printed on cheap ‘Pulp’ paper and were aimed primarily at working class adolescents.


The stories in One Eye Grey are based on traditional London tales of the uncanny, paranormal and supernatural. Is it my imagination, or has it suddenly gone very cold in here?

Categories: General illustration news