Karen’s quirky characters are making pests of themselves!


Someone’s been busy! ‘A Royal Little Pest’ written by Anita Reynold MacArthur and illustrated by the wonderful Karen Roy was launched in Canada in November 2008. Since then, Karen has been hot-footing it to schools to discuss the illustration process. It’s a great little story which the kids (and teachers!) have really taken to. Karen’s characters, as quirky as ever, really jump off the page. The book is scheduled for distribution across the United States in March. Exciting times for Karen and well deserved! Initial sales are looking very good and the reception has been terrific.


Final edits are also taking place as we speak on the second book in the series ‘A Royal Little Pest – Mine!’ which goes to print in May and as if that wasn’t enough to keep her out of mischief, the third manuscript has just arrived on Karen’s desk!


And (yes, there’s more!) she’s also completed a children’s picture book of her own that’s geared toward children aged 4 through 8 years. Currently undergoing its third round of edits, it’s all very ‘hush, hush’ at this stage. Watch this space….

Categories: Karen Roy, The illustrators